I have been using a plugin for WordPress called Pay With A Like for a while now on one of my personal websites. So far, the results have been stunning. Never before have I seen such an enormous amount of likes on that site’s pages.
And, best of all is that the more likes I get to the different pages, the faster the traffic builds from both search engines and the social networks. WPMU that has released this plugin, has done a fantastic job with it – even if it does have some glitches (I’m currently in the process of figuring this out with their support). Update! It turns out that the plugin had no glitches at all. It was a widget on the site that caused the trouble. As soon as the widget was deactivated, it was all smooth sailing.

What the plugin does, is to not allow the visitor to a page before he has liked it in one of the supported social networks. Currently the plugin supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. I am sure they will update it with other networks as they become major players in the social networking sphere.
The plugin gives a very high degree of control of how it works. You can let the plugin automatically add the social paywall to post and pages, or it let’s you make the choice on a per post or page basis.
I had the plugin running here on devenia.com, and you had to click on one of the social networks to see the content at all, but right now I have turned it off. I’m basically waiting for the developers to look into technical difficulties several have experienced with it.
When you combine this plugin with a killer article that really draw attention with it’s headline and the first 100 words, you have a combination that is pretty much unbeatable. I have not seen any better way of generating traffic lately than this plugin, and we are now in the process of implementing this paywall solution on a number of sites.
A couple years ago, I would never have taken the risk of running a paywall like this simply because there was not enough people being logged in to any social networks on a daily basis, but now, when a billion people are members of the major networks like Facebook and Google+, the loss that might occur from someone not being a member of one of the 4 major networks is so marginal, that it’s really worth the risk.
So, if you are running a website based on WordPress, this plugin will definitely change the number of likes from social networks, and it might very well become your main source of traffic to your site.
What is your experience with Pay With A Like?
Have you had any technical problems with the plugin? If so, please describe it in the comment field below.
Last Updated on March 7, 2015 by Bjorn Solstad