How Does Great Content Help with Internet Marketing in Hamburg?


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If you are a business operating online, you know how important SEO in Hamburg is to your success.  Most businesses, especially small ones, recognize this.  However, what many do not realize about internet marketing in Hamburg is that great content is just as important to the final success of your site.

In one line, it can be said this way:  SEO gets them there and content keeps them there.  If you use search engine optimization in Hamburg just by itself, you will receive decent conversion rates.  However, if you add in proper copywriting techniques and useful and informational content, your conversion rates increase.

How Does Great Content Increase Conversion Rates?

The world of sales is changing a lot in comparison to where it used to be, and this is due in large part to the internet.  The days of sales letters, high-pressure techniques, and last-minute special offers available for a short period of time are coming to an end.  They are still used, but much less than in the past.

Now, sales are all built on the KLT (know/like/trust factor).  Your content strategy regarding search engine optimization in Hamburg should reflect this.

What is the Best way to Write Your Content?

There is no one best way to write your content, but in general, it is a good idea to provide content that gives your site’s visitors value.  When performing internet marketing in Hamburg, make sure everything answers the question, “What’s in it for me?”  Make sure all the language involves benefits your visitors will experience if they do what the content says.

The content must also be written in an engaging manner.  Engaging is basically a skill you have or you don’t have, but typically it involves:

  • Using 2nd person language in order to build a connection with the reader
  • Using headlines of around 70-80 characters
  • Writing paragraphs about 3-4 lines long
  • Using mostly simple words and complex ones only when necessary
  • Explaining complex information in a way easy enough for anyone to understand

Basically, if you are doing SEO in Hamburg and content development, that is what you do to make your content work for your users.  Through your content, they will get to know, like, and trust you, but only as long as you write it with your visitors’ best interests in mind.

One specific strategy you might use to enhance the effectiveness of your strategy for internet marketing in Hamburg is writing a landing page.  Landing pages are pages where your visitors most commonly arrive after click on a link in Google or an advertisement on someone else’s website.

They are typically simple, contain very few links, less than 400 words, and entice each visitor to take a particular action (such as buying a product).  When you optimize your pages to be landing pages properly, you will notice a significant jump in your conversion rates.

There are Many Factors in Internet Marketing in Hamburg

Internet marketing in Hamburg and search engine optimization in Hamburg services are only optimized when you add in a great content strategy.  If you have written your own content, consider what a professional may be able to do for you!  Interested in services for search engine optimization in Hamburg and content development?  If so, contact Devenia today!

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