Get More Customers in Estonia from Internet
We can help you improve your Google rankings, and get more customers in Estonia to your business website from people searching on the web.
In the end you will achieve higher revenues in a better and more cost-effective way than you ever thought was possible.
Read more about how search engine optimization, social media marketing and advertising in the search engines can help your business grow faster in Estonia than ever before.
You have found a portal to Devenia, a global SEO firm! If you are looking for assistance for creating an effective SEO in Estonia and internet marketing in Estonia strategy, then you’ve come to the right place. At Devenia, with the help of our knowledgeable professionals, we can help your firm become one of the top internet marketing in Estonia companies.
User Browser Preference and Internet Marketing in Estonia
At Devenia, we are constantly researching user and industry trends so that we can help our clients create the most effective strategies for search engine optimization in Estonia. We have learned, for example, that Estonia exemplifies one trend that directly contradicts a worldwide trend. Worldwide, we have observed that Internet Explorer is users’ browser of choice, as it accounts for 41.66% of all browser usage. However, in Estonia, we have observed that Firefox completely dominates Internet Explorer, capturing a market share of 41.89% compared to IE’s 26.79%. For reasons that are unclear, we have noticed other European nations which contradict various worldwide trends also, as is evidenced by Irish users preferring StumbleUpon (47.2% market share of social media traffic) to Facebook (41.0% of social media traffic). With unique situations such as these existing in various European nations, your firm needs the assistance of an experienced and dedicated company like Devenia as it pursues search engine optimization in Estonia!
Search Engine Optimization in Estonia and the Social Media
Estonia again differs from the worldwide trend in this regard. Like the rest of the world, Facebook maintains the majority of social media traffic in its grasp, however, that grasp is not that strong at 52.39%. What differentiates Estonia from the rest of the world, however, is its preference for YouTube (21.34%) over StumbleUpon (12.75%). Worldwide, the reverse is true, with StumbleUpon capturing a market share of 25.66% of social media traffic, compared to YouTube’s 5.01%! Companies pursuing internet marketing in Estonia and SEO in Estonia will want to keep this fact in mind as they perfect their strategies for search engine optimization in Estonia.
Tip for SEO in Estonia: Google Chrome absolutely crushes the competition in this nation, capturing a market share of 49.07% of all browsers, with the iPhone’s Safari coming in a distant second at 15.44%. Google Chrome (19.9%) comes in second place to Opera (22.45%) at the worldwide level. At Devenia, we love engaging in thorough research because it thwarts so many of our assumptions. Hopefully, this will help your firm if it pursues search engine optimization in Estonia.
The Bottom Line Regarding Search Engine Optimization in Estonia
SEO in Estonia, for whatever reason, seems to run contradictory to many of the worldwide trends we have observed. We have theories regarding these findings, and we are always interested in learning more. Hopefully, some of these findings will help you as you purse search engine optimization in Estonia and internet marketing in Estonia.