Do you want more people to visit your web shop? Who doesn’t? More traffic means you can help more people, make more sales, or increase the authority of your brand! Here are 8 great ways to increase the traffic to your online store:
Create a blog
Some online shops have blogs, but most don’t. Google loves websites with regularly-updated content. Not only is this good for Google, but you get the opportunity to highlight some of the strengths of your product or service and demonstrate why it’s superior to that of the competition. You’ll need about two 500-word posts per week at the minimum, with a couple more than that being the ideal.
Be the first to write on a topic, or take a unique perspective
News spreads fast on the internet, and much of it is basically the same thing repeated over and over again. If you’re the first to write on a topic, everyone has to credit your site, which can lead to thousands of new visitors in just a few days. Or, if you take a unique or controversial perspective, people may start clamoring to your site to hear what you have to say.
Engage in linkbaiting
Linkbaiting is the art of strategically placing any piece of web content so that others notice it and hopefully link to it. Done properly, this technique can lead to hundreds or even thousands of new links in the space of just a few days.
Give away free content
Try giving your users a free e-book! As long as it’s of good quality, they’ll appreciate the free information and thank you for it. In your e-book, be sure to highlight reasons why your product or service is superior to the competition’s, and provide some additional tips on how to use your products or services in ways most people may not be aware of.
Use the social media
Use any of the major social media outlets to distribute your message! Although imprecise, Tweeting, sharing bookmarks on Digg, creating a Facebook Page, or posting videos on YouTube has the potential to deliver thousands more visitors in the span of minutes or hours!
Google Analytics, Statcounter or any other statistical tool
You won’t know what’s working and what’s not unless you measure what you’re doing. Use Google Analytics, setup custom variables, and monitor the results.
Article marketing
Either distribute your articles to article directories or hire an SEO firm to do it for you. Marketing your articles provides free one-way back links (the best kind) and a noticeable amount of traffic.
Press releases
Develop SEO-optimized press releases with targeted keywords and send them down the wire in hopes they will be picked up by the major social media outlets. News editors will pick up the interesting stories and write about them, creating a viral effect. This isn’t a time to be cheap though – be sure to use the paid services of the major players. If you want, you can always submit your press release on the free sites.
Overall, there are many strategies you can use to get more people to visit your online store. Keep in mind that persistence, research, and revising strategy are the 3 keys to figuring out what will work for your site.
Last Updated on March 20, 2015 by Bjorn Solstad