Get More Customers in Spain from Internet
We can help you improve your Google rankings, and get more customers in Spain to your business website from people searching on the web.
In the end you will achieve higher revenues in a better and more cost-effective way than you ever thought was possible.
Read more about how search engine optimization, social media marketing and advertising in the search engines can help your business grow faster in Spain than ever before.
Higher rankings
When you are visible in search, new clients comes in fast.
24 hours a day
Visibility in search means your business makes money around the clock.
We will help you get clients
No complicated routines or contracts. We invoice you based on results.
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You are missing out on a lot of business. Let us together change that!
You have found a passage to Devenia, your SEO in Spain and internet marketing in Spain services leader! With our methodical and closely-monitored approach, you’ll feel very safe and secure as we help you navigate the difficult terrain of search engine optimization in Spain.
SEO in Spain Tip: For businesses pursuing search engine optimization in Spain, it is important to know that, in terms of referral traffic, reddit is absolutely dominating Digg. Businesses pursuing internet marketing in Spain must be mindful of this fact. One year ago, the market share of referral traffic for reddit was 57.92%, compared to 42.08% for Digg. However, since then, reddit has greatly separated itself from Digg. Digg maintains a miniscule 16.29% market share of referral traffic vs reddit’s absolutely dominating share of 83.71%! SEO trends can change quickly, and clearly businesses needing assistance with SEO in Spain and internet marketing in Spain should find a professional firm such as Devenia to help them optimize their SEO needs.
Mobile Search and SEO in Spain
In Spain, the market share of each mobile browser differs greatly than that of their worldwide market shares. Being on top of this trend in search engine optimization for Spain and internet marketing in Spain will assists businesses in being more competitive. In Spain, the current leading mobile OS is the iPhone’s iOS, which presently has a 42.34% market share. However, this market share was at 56.2% just 8 months ago. What has been taking away from the iOS’s market share? The Android! The Android’s market share in Spain has more than tripled in the past year from 11.72% to 38.75%! Nokia’s SymbianOS has also been losing market share, down from 23.14% a year ago to 10.7% now. All other mobile OS’s you may have heard of maintain a market share of no more than 2.23%. These statistics regarding mobile OS’s and SEO in Spain, however, do not reflect what is happening worldwide. On a worldwide basis, Nokia’s SymbianOS has maintained the largest market share, which hovers around 32% and is currently sitting at 32.12%, which contrasts to the small market share it holds in Spain. Android-based phones, however, are gaining market share on a worldwide basis, with their share growing from 9.22% a year ago to 20.6% currently. The iOS’s market share dropped from a noticeable 25.71% to 19.41% – a drop not as drastic as that seen in Spain. Interestingly, while it is basically non-existent in Spain, Blackberry-based phones maintain a noticeable-but-diminishing market share of 11.84%. Hopefully, some of these statistics will help to guide your SEO in Spain and internet marketing in Spain efforts!
A Final SEO in Spain Tip: As would be predicted by most people, Google dominates the mobile search market in Spain. However, it is amazing that Google maintains an astonishing 99.82% of the market share! Businesses interested in SEO in Spain should keep this in mind when researching SEO in Spain and internet marketing in Spain!
The Final Word on Search Engine Optimization in Spain
Search Engine Optimization in Spain, and especially mobile search, is a fiercely competitive industry, as was evidenced by the statistics presented in this article. If your business is pursuing an internet marketing in Spain strategy, please give Devenia a call, as it can help you navigate the stormy waters of search engine optimization in Spain.