As a psychologist, you are known to a fairly select group of people, or so it seems. Much of your advertising is done by other health services agencies, law enforcement, or former clients. But, did you know there’s another very handy way for growing your business, if that’s what you want to do?
That method is called search engine optimization, or internet marketing, if you prefer. Increasingly, people are looking for businesses, services, and products online before they talk to a friend, neighbor, or relative. As a result, it’s becoming much more important to be visible to Google, so it knows where, and how highly, to rank you for various keywords.
Search engine optimization is the primary method used for increasing your rank, but it is really a small part of an overall “digital marketing” strategy. While SEO helps get people to your website, there are many other strategies used to keep them on your site and eventually get them to contact you about your services.
First, you have to have a marketing strategy geared at showing how you can help the typical patient solve personal problems he or she is currently facing in life. You might be focused on a particular problem, such as an addiction or mental illness, or you might be more general.
Next, your site’s writing has to reflect your ability to provide solutions in language that is simple-to-understand for the average person. While this sounds like a rather simple step, many self-employed individuals and small business owners think they can do this writing themselves, but then end up representing their businesses very poorly.
Third, any decent internet market strategy involves a clearly-defined call-to-action, which leads to a higher rate of conversions. There are many techniques involved in creating calls-to-action, and that’s where the help of a professional proves invaluable.
When you combine all these factors, the net result is much more traffic to your website, and finally, many more clients. There are of course many more factors involved in growing your online business, but these are some of the main ones.
Last Updated on February 26, 2023 by Dan Stelter