Email Marketing is a very direct and fast way to deliver your products and services to customers whether current customers or new customers whom you would like to gain to sell your products to.
But nowadays, this way of marketing can be one among other ways to depend on but not the essential one, as so many spammers misuse this email marketing and when users get emails marketing messages simply they filter their messages or reject or spam them.
Of course this has bad effects on real sellers who use the email marketing to market their products.
What Is Opt-In Email Marketing?
Opt-in Email Marketing is advertising via email where the recipient of the advertisement has asked or agree to receive it. This method is one of several developed by marketers to eliminate the disadvantages of email marketing.
A common example of opt-in email marketing is like the newsletter sent to an advertising firm’s customers. Such newsletters inform customers of upcoming events or new products.
In this type of advertising, a company that wants to send a newsletter to their customers may ask them at the point of purchase if they would like to receive the newsletter.
More about Opt-In Email Marketing
Opt-in email marketing is the process of getting contact information through an opt-in form on the site, or by recording calls-to-action, that is then used for sending newsletters, or general outreach. The concept of opt-in email is a simple marketing method; you are reaching out to individuals who provided contact details through the website sign-up. Compared with opt-out marketing, opt-in offers a lot more trust for a lot of brands, since people receiving the email marketing expressed an interest in the company or the product.
Unlike outbound marketing strategies, in which marketers market to the general public, opt-in is a more focused, efficient, and ethical approach. Opt-in email list marketing campaigns are beneficial for a number of reasons, with the most obvious one being that your recipients are real, alive, and willing to receive your emails, reducing the risk of spam traps and complaints. The new practice of using an opt-in call-to-action on websites to solicit email addresses has been a growing success as a way of gathering quality contact lists for targeting in marketing campaigns.
The term was coined in the late 1990s by marketers to distinguish it from something they called a single opt-in, in which the new sign-up for the email list gets an affirmation email telling them that he or she will start receiving emails unless they take some kind of action. A confirmation email involves sending a triggered email to the visitor, who has signed up for marketing emails via the sign-up form. In the most basic form of email marketing, opt-in email marketing is asking your audience for permission if they want to subscribe to your email list.
“An opt-in double email is where someone signs up to your email marketing list, then you send that person an email [with] a link confirming their subscription. You can opt-in with a double opt-in, so that your subscribers can confirm they want to subscribe to your emails. With the double-opt-in option, MailChimp will send a confirmation email to opt-in every time someone signs up to your email marketing list. Double-opting in just means a new subscriber will get a confirmation email in which they click on a link to confirm they actually wanted to be added to your list.
Once they have entered their email, they are automatically added to your email list, with the understanding they will get every future email from you, until they opt-out. By opting in, the new subscriber is opting-in to receiving marketing emails and promotional offers from your company going forward. By opting out, your subscriber is aware you are adding them to your list, and they consent to receiving mass emails, newsletters, or other forms of digital communications from you. The contact is added to your audience as a subscribed contact, as well as crucial information such as their IP address, and the time when they signed up and confirmed their subscription.
For subscribers to subscribe to receiving emails from you, they must complete a subscription form, typically online. Once the customer clicks on that “Submit” button, he or she automatically gets emails from your company.
Even if the customer goes through your checkout process without opting into your businesss email list, you still have one more opportunity to add them to your promotional email list during the normal course of your communications with them. A one-time opt-in means a customer can join your email list instantly, after filling out the required information in the form. Plus, a single-opt-in is easier on your subscribers, who might be too busy to take the extra step of validating an email address.
While a single opt-in is a one-step process, where you provide your email and click a send button to get added to the email list, double opt-in requires subscribers to verify their email addresses. A double opt-in is where the prospect chooses to opt-in, then a marketer sends out a confirmation email requiring yet another opt-in.
Double opt-ins have an added advantage, too, as they make sure that your list is built from people only really willing to interact with your emails. A confirmed opt-in goes a step further by giving your email recipient a clear and visible opportunity to opt out of your opt-in list at that time (beyond the normal legally required opt-out links that are usually found in the email footer).
By choosing opt-in, your recipient is signaling they are interested in your content, cause, or business, making it very unlikely they feel compelled to flag your emails. If you have a list of people who agree, either through writing, clicks on links, or some other form of proof, that they wish to receive emails from your travel agency, especially those that agree, then you are well within the boundaries of opting-in. It is equally important that you make it easy for your subscribers to opt-out of your list should they no longer want to receive emails from your company.
Also, email clients will block any unsolicited attempts to send mass emails to those who have not opt-in. The CAN-SPAM Act applies to business emails, and states email marketers need to receive confirmation of the subscribers opt-in before reaching out to leads and customers. Online marketers may contact subscribers via confirmation emails to speak about their brand or offer products/services.
Feldman shared that once someone has signed up for the Feldman Email Marketing List, he will email with a link to a course that subscriber has signed up for. Feldman noted that the opt-in form for marketing emails should be at the bottom, embedded in the blog posts. It should also be located on your homepage, About page, and Services page, and your websites footer.