Are you looking to gain more clientele for your law firm, but you’re not quite sure how to do it? Or, are you looking to gain that clientele in a cost-effective way?
If you are a lawyer, and you have heard about internet marketing, read on further to learn how search engine optimization (SEO) and internet marketing can help gain more clients.
The Number One Reason to do SEO
The main reason you as a lawyer should do SEO is because many other lawyers, and most large law firms are doing it. In the past, it used to be enough just to have a website. But, that is no longer the case.
Now, SEO, which helps your site rank higher for keywords your clients are searching for, helps spread the word about your business. Not everybody is doing it at this point, but most lawyers are. In fact, there are many internet marketing agencies whose only clients are law firms!
In order to keep up with the competition and keep your name in front of the faces of potential clients, it is important to be visible online. Word of mouth used to spread in person when people met and talked with one another. This still happens, but increasingly, people communicate and spread things via word of mouth on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.
How Can You Become More Visible Online?
Here are some simple steps you as a lawyer can take to grow your online visibility:
- Make sure you have a well planned website.
Having a website is the first step in the process. Make sure it has an organized design and user-friendly graphics. Tell all your customers about your website so they know where to go for free and helpful information. - Make sure your website has free and useful information.
Your website should have a blog and other general information that is of use to your clients. Update the information on at least a weekly basis. When writing on your blog, however, keep your audience in mind. Legal terminology is complex, and when you write for your audience, they’ll only find the information useful if they can understand it. - Make sure you are present in all local business directories.
There are many directories to choose from, but make sure you have a listing in all that have active users. Skip the marginal ones unless their traffic is really relevant to your niche. People search directories such as Yelp and Angie’s list to find everything, even a lawyer. These sites also allow people to post reviews, so make sure to encourage your satisfied clients to post their own. - As a lawyer, you should use social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
These sites are a large part of online marketing and word of mouth. Provide regular tweets which are informative for your clients. Give them links to useful information. Do not – I repeat – don not use them to spam them with ads. Every status update or tweet have to provide value. - Make niche sites focusing on topics. By doing so, you can achieve becoming a recourse in your field. Not just a supplier of law-related services. You will also then gain trust in the market. One of our clients running a law firm in Oslo, Norway has done this with big success, so this is something we know for sure is going to help you grow your lawyer practice.
SEO and Internet Marketing Takes Time – But it’s Worth the Effort
Search engine optimization and internet marketing consume large amounts of time. But, in the long run, they are effective ways of growing your reputation and gaining clients. As your blog and Tweets provide valuable information to potential clients, and as people give you positive reviews, people will find you more online and then come to your business in real life!
Keep in mind that while this may be time-consuming for you, there are plenty of SEO and internet marketing firms out there who are willing to help any lawyer for a reasonable fee. Devenia is one of them.
Last Updated on February 26, 2023 by Dan Stelter