Dentists, are you looking to add more clients, and perhaps more employees, to your dental practice? Would you like to do so for just a small cost that minimizes your risk?
If so, consider SEO and internet marketing to help take your practice to the next level. At Devenia, our goal is to help your business grow. We help minimize your risk by:
- Using an educational and down-to-earth sales approach that doesn’t involve hype or pressure
- Not charging any up-front fees
- Not charging until you reach the first page of Google for one of your keywords
- Not forcing you to sign a contract, so you can discontinue services whenever you want
Our goal really is your success. When you sign on to internet marketing services with us, we will help you deliver the results you desire. We can’t promise when you will see results or what those results will be.
However, we can say with a high degree of confidence that you should see some results within 3 months. And, we are confident that we can help you produce enough results to make a net profit after you pay us for our services.
Dentists, keep in mind that SEO is not a precise science, so any company that guarantees specific results to you is not telling the truth.
Why SEO is Essential to the Survival of Your Business
If you have heard of search engine optimization (SEO), but you’re not sure what it is or if it’s even worth doing, take a minute to learn more how it can help you.
At this point, many, but not necessarily most, dentists are using the services of an SEO company. This is true of all companies in general. Search engine optimization is a bit foreign, and not all realize the potential benefits.
SEO, also called internet marketing, is basically making your practice more visible to search engines. As the search engines find your site with greater ease, so do visitors. As you gain more visitors, you get more clients. And, as you get more clients, your business grows!
If you get into the game now, before everyone knows it’s the thing to do, you can get a leg up on the competition. It’s easier to maintain a certain ranking than it is to build your way up to it!
At some point, the market will be saturated and moving up the search engine rankings will be much more difficult and expensive! So, best to do it now and put yourself in a good position for the future.
Many SEO companies are in their infancy and don’t have an exact science down. However, Devenia has been in business for several years, and we have a precise methodology down. In fact, it’s so precise that large firms who do search engine optimization outsource their work to us!
If you aren’t convinced or feel like you don’t have the budget to begin an internet marketing strategy, keep in mind Devenia charges no fees until you rank on the first page of Google! You will get smaller amounts of traffic when you are on lower pages, so you get a free preview of the beginning results our services deliver.
If you are willing to give us a try,contact us today, or use the comment form below to tell about your experiences or to ask questions. We are always here to explain.
Last Updated on October 24, 2020 by Bjorn Solstad